When she wakes up she looks at Sabine's smiling face.
"Wow, you did it need it!" she says worried. "You slept more than twelve hours."
The sunlight through the windows. She gets a kick from inside.
"Jesus, it starts again?" she says, annoyed.
"Soon they investigate us. I have to give all my papers. Also my passport." said Sabine. She has a nightgown on. "But the care is excellent."
There are six beds in their room.
"The other girls in the gymnastics program are doing. We do not and you're certainly not in your condition."
Gabriella's belly bulges the blankets up.
Gymanastiek, they must not think about it. Every morning when getting up she noticed that the load is heavier, and now she has no desire to start the day. The lieft she remains. Maybe the change of scenery.
"Look, there's a fantastic bathroom!"
Sabine stretches the sheets off her and takes her by the hand. In the large bathroom, which is tiled to the ceiling are three tubs and the walls are several showers. Located anywhere in the soap trays and shelves in a closet are new towels.
"Delicious, right?" Sabine calls and she slips out of her nightgown. She has small breasts but a wide pelvis; the bulging belly is now clearly visible.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..