Goedenavond abdelhakim. Wat leuk en gezellig zo met elkaar en met uw nichtje. Feestelijk, en lekker eten en drinken met elkaar. Ik zag enkele foto's hiervan op Google. Het is ook een prachtig winkelcentrum.
Good evening Jim. What so nice and cozy with each other and with your niece. festive, and good food and drink with each other. I saw some pictures of this on Google. It is also a wonderful shopping centre.
Good evening Abdel Hakim. 's nice and cozy as with each other and with your niece. Festive and delicious food and drink with each other. I saw some pictures of this on Google. It is also a wonderful shopping.
Good Evening abdelhakim. What nice and cozy with each other and with your niece. Festive, and delicious food and drink together. i saw some pictures of it on Google. It is also a beautiful shopping center.