mrs liebregts,i have just talked to you on the phone. you asked me to give an explanation to why i want to schedule an appointment with you. in this email i will light.the metalektro agreements are extended and / or the scheme of bpf metalektro is mandatorythe general provisions of a collective, be extended by the minister of social affairs and employment (law on the binding and non binding provisions of collective agreements act (avv)), these provisions apply to employers and employees for the cao is written. the cao"s metalektro and pension fund of the metalektro (pme) shall apply as soon as your business exclusively or primarily attributable to the scope of the the cao´s and scheme of the metalektro on your company lai industrial systems e.g. applicationthe news of a takeover by the end of 2015, iai industrial systems, e.g., among other deals with activities covered by the working and / or processing of metals contained in the scope of our wages and pensions. because we still have a full picture of the business of iai industrial systems, e.g., we cannot exclude that the arrangements of the metalektro may also apply to your company.the consultative council (rom), on behalf of the contractual parties werkingssfeeronderzoekendetermining whether a company for wages and pensions under the scope of the cao"s metalektro or under the pme is a function of the social partners have agreed that the cao.the rom is designated by the partners for these companies to carry out studies. therefore, we like to make an appointment with you for a werkingssfeeronderzoek to determine whether iai industrial systems, e.g. whether or not to metalektro belongs.this research will include the following subjects are discussed:- organizational structure;the operations;the number of employees (fte"s) and their function.during the conversation you want us to provide a list, which included the percentage per employee engagement (fte), the function and the date in service and out of can find the full texts on our website cao cao in the cup. in annex a of our collective agreements are the werkingssfeertekst.plan a meetingyou reach me through 06 52 63 04 94 or m.froling @ i see your proposal for a date and time for the consultation to respond within two weeks.sincerely,
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