I like that they treated him very hard, but I say nothing about it. Where I come from are just cows and pastures, the farm is miles from civilization removed and only at school see guys running, but that never look to me. Most are farmers, with boerse ways. Sometimes I think sometimes, that you can be a better cow than a woman, because when you see how those guys change as they face to face with such a milk factory than state your mind reminded ourselves.Of course I'll try even attracting the attention of one of the cows guys, but it's me so far have not succeeded. Here I thought, three months ago, bite. I ran down the stairs and suddenly I feel a hand on my left breast. It was pressure, everyone ran to the next class and compromised, you of course well be someone. But this was intentional. He walks up at the same time as me and keeps my chest just as long until I have reached the following floor. By this time I do have, that it is not normal. I stand still and say: "what do you want?" He begins to stutter and me there anyway to blush. I got almost felt sorry for him. A few other guys standing around us and interfere with it."What has he done, Trish?""He could not keep his hands once again at home?""We will call the Director?"The boy fully ahead of color and is almost not in balance. It is as if he only now realizes that his action not quite in good soil."Tell her you regret it!" calling the others.He swallows a few times."Sorry.""What do you say? We hear you're not! ""Sorry," he says what harder and he looks at me just as helpless. That was the moment when I was in love with him, but he has never caught my breast while he the stairs.
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