kunst creëren is bewegen tussen lust en leed. Van iemand houden is een hele opgave. Maar, als het meer, veel meer is dan houden van, dan verplaatst ik de wereld. Het zien wordt voelen, voelen wordt horen, het zijn verdwijnt in de kosmos.
create art is moving between lust and suffered. Love someone is quite a task. But, if it's more, much more than love, then I moved the world. The feel, hear, see, feel is it disappears in the cosmos.
Creating art is moving between lust and suffering. Loving someone is a tall order. But, if it's more, much more than love, I will move the world. Seeing is feeling, feeling being heard, being disappears into the cosmos.
art creation is moving between lust and suffering. love is a challenge. but, if more than love, i moved the world. it is feeling, feeling is, it disappears in the cosmos.