die bezig waren om de boot in het water te leggen. Door de sleepgoot lieten ze de boot aan touwen zakken, de rimpels in het wateroppervlak leken te fronsen, maar het liet de met zeehondenhuid beklede boot drijven.
who were working to get the boat in the water. By the drag chute they left the boat on ropes bags, the wrinkles on the water's surface appeared to frown, but it left the with seals skin covered boat afloat.
who were engaged in order to put the boat in the water. The drag chute they lowered the boat ropes, seemed to frown wrinkles on the surface, but it floated the boat covered with sealskin.
engaged in the boat in the water. by the sleepgoot they left the boat ropes down, the ripples in the water seemed to frown, but let the boat float coated with sealskin.