Aan de bevoegde autoriteiten van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika: Instantie: Compliance Department GoDaddy.com, Inc. Adres: 14455N. Hayden Road Suite 219 Plaatsnaam en postcode: Scottsdale, Arizona
To the competent authorities of the United States of America:Agency: Compliance Department GoDaddy.com, Inc. Address: 14455N. Hayden RoadSuite 219City name and postal code: Scottsdale, Arizona
To the competent authorities of the United States of America: Authority: Compliance Department GoDaddy.com, Inc. Address: 14455N. Hayden Road Suite 219 City and postal code: Scottsdale, Arizona
To the competent authorities of the United States of America: Body: Compliance Department GoDaddy.com, Inc. Address: 14455N. Hayden Road Suite 219 City and postal code: Scottsdale, Arizona