We need to see as soon as possible outside the village to come, "called Sibelius. He turned back another Street in and seemed to return to their starting point on the Friederichstrasse.With an emergency speed thundered a truck on both of them. He swayed slightly back and forth, but the driver was a pro and the Colossus made more and more speed. Sibelius saw him approaching, but could barely stay ahead. When he wanted to turn the Friederichstrasse again, he saw that the other truck them the way barred."Damn, they have contact with each other!" he called. He tried to get the car out of a skid, but the bend was too small. The achteropkomende truck made the same turn, but could not stop. While Sibelius from all power tried the car, swung the truck through the bend, on the pavement and collided with an incredible hit against the front of a department store. The truck immediately caught flame and when Karl looked back, while they further reason, followed a great explosion. A huge Flash fire rose from the truck and the non-development around tapped to the eye.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..