There was the small of course. He had it fixed in the holes, that his mother was in a building in which you only wanted to be found dead. Well, his father had set an example! What should have dealt in Gabriel's head? What had he now thought: that he just could steal money from a bank and get away with it? Was he really so naive?Once again, she realized that she had known the father of her child but bad. They didn't see it coming, that he had looked for other ways to get money. Of course they had not had wide and of course was the flat small and the rent was high, but that was no reason to other people's money. She couldn't remember, that they ever had given rise to their savings in such a drastic way. Never had they asked for extras-she wore her dress until it is almost fell apart-and if they need something than bought them secondhand or by instalments. Therefore they had debts, but those were to overlook. Gabriel had had a summer job at the waste collection service and that was hard work, but it earned yet very nice and if they are a bit on the pennies, there was nothing to worry about. Sometimes she felt guilty, as though they had to put a microwave meal on the table, because for fresh vegetables and meat they had not enough money. in the evening, Gabriel always went to the pub and drank too much and then often they suspected him also that he gambled, but before that they never had hard evidence. Maybe he had there gained the bad friends, which had drawn him into the bankroof adventure. Easy money, joh! Virtually no surveillance and the police is never on time, who have their hands full with other things! Within a few minutes we were rich and no one will do! That is how it should have gone. And Emma felt guilty that she had not stopped him. If they had been able to stop him. The hopeless fact lay there, she would have to make the best of it.A female police officer was walking with her to the outside. In the Hall of the police station they still talked about the things they should."You can always knock at social work," said the police woman. "And they help you also eventually landed a job. They do work very well, that you'll see. Let the courage not bags.
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