What is flu? Influenza caused by the influenza virus. Another name for flu is influenza. Influenza is a contagious disease that spreads rapidly. Every winter, gets an average of 1 in 10 people flu. As many people have flu at the same time, we call it a flu epidemic. You can either get the flu each year. For most people, flu is a nasty disease that goes without saying. Some people can become seriously ill from the flu. They are in a risk group and can get the free flu shot. Real flu is often confused with a ' regular ' cold. What are the symptoms of influenza? Influenza usually starts suddenly with a high fever and chills. Usually you get a sore throat, headache and muscle aches throughout the body. Cold and dry cough belong there too. You may feel quite ill with flu. Influenza is usually self-limiting. The fever and pain subside after 3 to 5 days. It may take a few weeks before you return all feel old. What causes flu? Flu is caused by the influenza virus. This virus is in the airways and causes an infection, which also has consequences for the rest of the body. The virus is found in nasal discharge, mucus and saliva. The virus is easily through the air or through the hands of the one to the other. . For example, by coughing, sneezing or talking, or giving someone hand you get infected: when you inhale the virus or . When the virus enters through your hands into your nose or mouth , the virus spreads throughout your body, giving you receives complaints. After the infection, it may take 1 to 3 days before receiving complaints. For Flu Risk Some people are particularly at risk of becoming seriously ill from the flu. They are in a risk group. Risk groups include everyone aged 60 and older people with long-term heart - or disease people with long-term lung disease (such as asthma or COPD), people with diabetes mellitus (diabetes), people with kidney disease people with little resistance: a disease with medical treatment (for example, people with cancer who receive chemotherapy) or by medications that decrease the resistance , the body of people with less resistance is vulnerable. Therefore, the effects of flu can be more serious. The practice nurse can tell you if you belong to a risk group. If you are in a risk group, you will receive an invitation to the flu shot in the fall. You will get the flu shot than free. Advice on flu With the flu, it is good to take rest. You do not have to stay in bed, but exercise can be avoided. You feel himself whether you need a rest. Drink enough. High fever, you sweat a lot. This makes you lose a lot of moisture. So make sure that you drink a lot to replenish the loss of fluids in your body. Prevent cooling when you go out: you dressed it up again. Try contamination to prevent others: Avoid touching your nose and mouth. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. preferably use paper towels and throw it away after one use. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Medicines for flu with flu, you could take paracetamol for the fever and pain. There are no drugs that can cure the flu. Antibiotics do not help against the flu. These antibiotics only work against bacteria (and flu is caused by a virus), not against viruses. There are agents that cause the flu takes a bit shorter and that the symptoms are less severe. These resources are called antiviral drugs. In people who are otherwise healthy, they have hardly any effect. They are therefore used only in exceptional cases when people have very little defense, for example people with HIV or people taking drugs that lower the immune system. When contact with the flu? Sometimes the flu does not matter about. There can recover other diseases should be treated indeed, such as pneumonia. If a child flu , contact your doctor if your child has flu and fever. In a child younger than 2 years call the same day your doctor. If your child older than 2 years of call if the fever lasts for 3 days. when an adult flu , contact your doctor if you have flu and: you are short of breath, it comes off strikingly phlegm when coughing; you drowsy; you very little drink or pee, remains the fever longer than five days, you get a fever again after you've spent a few days fever-free.
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