The breeder declares that the above-mentioned Cat on at time of saleher best know completely healthy, free from disease, abnormalities and any parasites orskin conditions is.The buyer stated that he will do everything for the cat to the welfare of the catpromote. This means that hij free housed is in the home and is notlocked in a cage, that he may not freely outside run but only to theleash and/or in a closed garden.The cat should get plenty of fresh water and good quality food, as well as adetector hygromiënische care. Buyer shall not ontnagelen or declawen (= CATontklauwen). The buyer will investigate the cat and get vaccinated annually.The buyer agrees that he will never sell or give away the cat. He will alsonever the cat presentationden to a pet store, supermarket, asylum, laboratory animalsor online pet auction. It is the breeders intended that the cat has a permanentloving home. If the buyer no longer for the cat can provide byunforeseen circumstances tiredt he first time the cat back to the breeder. Sothe breeder can offer help in searching of a new, suitable, loving homefor the cat.Down payment:.............. euro per cash/bankRemainderpayment on pickup kitten:..........Euro pcash/bank there.Signature copper:Seller signature:................................................
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