Our nerves make our movements ongecoordineerd. Almost spastic I push Vicky in the direction of the workplace, where men with safety glasses do things. They lug around wood or impose a plate under the band saw.At an old Workbench is to edit Jack, bent over a piece of wood. He feels at the edges and then uses the long s. It makes a sucking sound. He stands with his shoes in the sawdust and the backs of his hands are covered with wood dust. The weeiige smell of fresh wood hangs like a cloud in space, as we go through the panes look we see the whirl."Day Jack," I say and I see that he scares. He has given us not expected. He puts his safety glasses off and by the fine pieces around his eyes, he seems on a skier that just a slope has been contained.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..