can i help you with something? " "" no, everything's fine. the neighbor watch if i'm not there. besides, i have about six weeks in p. a reading. then you come? " "she heard him in his agenda leaves." "fine, i love this week." "she hung up. the hangover was chucked out of the army, he was under the hedge to the underlying field left in the big game hunting."she tried to concentrate. the beginning is always difficult. what began a story, it was not easy to determine. usually, she was the first sentence in mind, something that her during the dishes or just in the bathroom had fallen. she quickly ran to her room and wrote it on one of the small notitievelletjes, for which she had a special dish.occasionally she wrote something that they currently available, a newspaper, a magazine or a envelope. all those little pieces and pieces formed its archive.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..