ik heb momenteel enorm veel last van melkzuur in mijn spieren ! ik kan amper zitten, liggen of staan, in de trein was het een ramp, ik moest op en neer wandelen, ze hadden me verwittigd maar ik wist niet dat het zo erg kon zijn !
I currently have a lot of burden of lactic acid in my muscles! I can barely sit, lie down or stand, in the train was a disaster, I had to walk up and down, they had informed me but I didn't know it could be so bad!
I currently enormous burden of lactic acid in my muscles! I can barely sit, lie or stand in the train was a disaster, I had to walk up and down, they had warned me but I never knew it could be so bad!
i currently have a lot of trouble of lactic acid in the muscles. i can barely sit, lie or stand in the train was a disaster, i had to walk up and down, she had told me but i didn"t know it was that bad.