Sight breekt af van tweepoot door metaalbreuk van ligplaats Sight op tweepoot (zie foto). Dit gebeurde tijdens vuren in lading 1 op een afstand van 1300. Mijns inziens moeilijk te wijten aan te hoge drukken.
Sight breaks off of two leg by metal rupture of location Sight on two leg (see photo). This happened during firing in load 1 at a distance of 1300. In my opinion, difficult due to high pressures.
Sight breaks on two legs through metal fracture berth Sight on two legs (see photo). This happened during firing in one load at a distance of 1300. In my view, difficult due to high pressures.
sight of tweepoot breaks through metaalbreuk of berth sight on tweepoot (see photo). this happened during fire in cargo 1 at a distance of 1300. i think difficult due to high pressure.