ik heb zelf veel zware ontgoochelingen opgelopen, werd geconfronteerd met valse beloftes en noem maar op, ik wil echt met alles zo eerlijk als mogelijk zijn !Ik weet zeer goed wat het is en, Ik wil jou ook gelukkig zien !!!
I own a lot of heavy disappointments suffered, was faced with false promises and you name it, I really want with everything as honest as possible! I know very well what it is and, I want to see you happy too!!!
I myself have suffered many severe disappointments, was confronted with false promises and you name it, I really want everything to be as honest as possible! I know very well what it is and I also want you to be happy !!!
i myself have sustained heavy disappointments, faced with false promises, and so on, all i really want to be as honest as possible. i know very well what it is, i want you happy! !!