A moment considered they finish the story, but something in her didn't stop her. She was confused with the microphone in her hand and looked at it as if it were a strange insect was.Fortunately took Sylvana him from her."Ladies and gentlemen, by family circumstances, Deborah Finch her lecture shut down now. Of course we thank her very much for the wonderful story and hope that they again, at another time, will want to finish. Give her a warm applause! "Deborah stood up and knew no attitude with her Council. It looked like flee away. So very bad was the story maybe not? Mark nodded her and stood up."Pack your stuff in, but then we go right away."In the hall at the coat rack, she was approached by a heated Sylvana, who raced her was."Oh Deb, it was beautiful! What a pity that your dad is so bad! This bottle is still for you. As a sign of recognition, you will need only think. "Deborah was besotted with the bottle in her hands.When they got home, all the lights on. Mrs. Berry did open."Oh dear, there you are! Your father ...
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