I hate him, "she says.The following afternoon we are back at the beach. Everywhere there are umbrellas and small children playing in the sand, babies lie in strollers to sleep. Mothers read a magazine.We walk to the post office, because I want to send a card to my parents.First we pass the Seashore Motel a white rocket points to the sky, white cars are in the parking lot to burn the yuccas in the glow, parking facilities, that is lined with white stones. Along the boulevard are hundreds of swaying palm trees, it is like they are to the ocean wave. The guys who are on the beach playing ball for a moment, if we keep stopping by. They make comments, laugh and point out to Charlotte. It's the same song.The mall looks from a distance like a spaceship landed, only the glass ceilings shine in the Sun and the metal work seems like liquid. As we go through the sliding doors go in overtakes us the air conditioning, the hairs on our arms stand upright.While I was sorting out a postcard is on a bench to wait. There are some mothers next to her with strollers. They admire each other's products.I choose from the map mill a suitable copy and pay at checkout. There I buy a postage stamp and Scribble what peculiarities on the back of the card. Maybe its my parents long since forgotten, that I'm on vacation at Charlotte.If I find myself kneeling again is Charlotte disappeared.The mothers are still working on their offspring.I walk out the store and look around me. I start to get cold and go outside. The heat collapses like a robber on my neck. Guys with sunglasses dangling nonchalantly licking their ice cream, a bunch of hysterical girls stands at a distance at a guy with a scooter. He combs his hair looking in his rear view mirror.
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