hoe gaaf is het als je op het strand loopt om 6 uur ’s ochtends en je hoort alleen de zee, de meeuwen en je eigen ademhaling Of alleen in het bos loopt, met de reeën, vogels en eekhoorns? De energie die je daar van krijgt is geweldig
how cool is it when you on the beach at 6 am and you only hear the sea, the seagulls and your own breathing or alone in the forest, with the deer, birds and squirrels? The energy that you get is great
how cool is when you walking on the beach at 6 am and you only hear the sea gulls and your own breathing or walking alone in the woods, with deer, birds and squirrels? The energy you get from there is amazing
how cool is it when you walk on the beach at 6 a.m. and you can hear the sea, the sea gulls and your own breathing or walking in the woods, with the birds and deer, squirrels? the energy that is great