In Afrika wordt er veel op de vogel gejaagd en daar nemen de aantallen af, het tempo van de achteruitgang ligt onder de 30% in tien jaar (minder dan 3,5% per jaar), Om deze redenen staat de nijlgans als niet bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN
In Africa there is a lot on the bird hunted and there take the numbers off the pace of the decline is under 30% in ten years (less than 3.5% per year), for these reasons, the Egyptian goose if not vulnerable on the red list of the IUCN
In Africa there is much excitement in the bird and as the numbers decrease, the decline rate is below 30% in ten years (less than 3.5% per year) For these reasons, the nile goose is not threatened on the IUCN Red List
in africa, there is a lot of the bird hunting and the numbers, the pace of decline is less than 30% in ten years (less than 3.5% per year), for these reasons, the nijlgans as endangered on the iucn red list