The police officer was still with his device to his ear, when a traffic helicopter happened to. A frantic noise that accompanied the flare up of sand and dust; the police officer had flown the same jacket. Of course, that they had to the cars on the bridge by reason. The spiral blades were invisible. Hill followed the unit is still here, but when he made a turn to the bridge, he lost sight of him.The agent put his walkie-talkie and walked slowly back away.A gray car, so a long that movie stars was used, came from the opposite direction hitting. The Windows were shuttered on the side. Behind rode a small car, as escort for sure. Hill saw the agent hesitate.Then came the helicopter back, but now faster.The air pressure increased noticeably, the agent yelled something, but Hill could not understand. The long car drove now almost next to him, he there, a man with a pet, especially a driver. This looked at him for a moment.The noise of the helicopter was getting louder and suddenly there was a huge explosion. The helicopter fell down like a brick. Hill saw the agent still just look up with one of fear left face. Here he had a tendency to get out of the car to jump, but before he could open the door everything went black before his eyes.
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