met echt goeie gevoelens en enthousiasme ben ik aan het werk ! Nadine die nu bezig is in dat project "gloed" in Oostende sprak daar even met de directeur, we kennen elkaar goed ! hij zal me opbellen om een afspraak te maken
with really good feelings and enthusiasm I'm at work!Nadine who is now working in that project "brand" in Ostend spoke briefly with the Director, we know each other well! He will call me to make an appointment
with really good feelings and enthusiasm I am at work! Nadine who is now engaged in that project "glow" in Ostend spoke just as with the director, we know each other well! He will call me to make an appointment
with really good feelings and enthusiasm to the work. "nadine who now is that project" glow "in ostend spoke with the director, we know each other well. he will call me to make an appointment.