Would they allow him to go in the pool for the first time? All these years he had longing for a large water looked from his children's wading pool, but he knew it was off limits to him. It was much too dangerous for him, because he could not swim. They had tried it once, when he was little.At school they went to the municipal swimming pool and there was a sweet Miss, that made him the swimming strokes explained. They kept him floating and held her hands under his belly. Despite this, burst out laughing and coughed he, because he began to get water."Calm down, Jimmy. I have you stuck, "said the administrator. He did the battles, which also made the other children, but when the point was approaching which he independently had to stay afloat went wrong. He panicked, slammed his arms and legs at random and came into severe respiratory distress. When he exhausted next to the electronics was about to panting, he saw how compassionately she looked. After three lessons they had but specified.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..