He listened attentively, his heart hit a little faster than normal. Was it a cariboe? No, it was not a reindeer, because of the need to step he recognized blindly. It was not C. because that would recognize the tent. A shadow on the canvas. Out of the shadows Patrick could not make out. A polar bear then? Which of course was the smell of the hare away. But so great was that shadow now do not.
Before he could fold was gone the form aside the tent. He stuck his head out and could feel the freezing cold down his cheeks. Above him shone a sea of stars. As always, he looked at it with wonder and awe. The light was certainly so clear that he the trees could see across the street.
He waited a moment and then decided to close the tent again.
Besides him to sleep Jim was, but when he lay turned out wrong.
"What was that?" Jim asked.
"No idea," Patrick replied. "At first I thought a stray caribou or something, but there was nothing to see. Maybe I did have a dream."
"Well, then we gedrooomd both."
Surprised, Patrick looked at his companion on.
"It was a ghost of a deceased Inuit. "
" A ghost? "
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..