in the material wagons. Some soldiers were still smoking or held their loved one's arms. There was much laughter. Witkielen drove on and off withtheir carts filled with trunks. Station managers tried to ensure that everything runs smoothly and no one had noticed that on one of the platforms, a man in a wheelchair covered with gauze, surrounded by two nurses waited until he could settle down in the special sick coupe. A station officer placed an iron plate against the action under the train door. The paramedics, a man and a woman, wore mouth caps, which only kept pretty eyes. On the back of the wheelchair was written in large red letters: INFECTIOUS DISEASE. Everyone ran in a loop around the three over, even when they were preparing to push the man in the wheelchair on the train. The man in the wheelchair was completely dressed in white and wore the same breathing protection. He looked deeply bent over and looked stunned.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..