Mandarijneenden rusten vaak in bomen, kunnen in het donker goed zien, hun voedsel, dat ze op het land zoeken, bestaat uit noten & zaden, ook insecten & slakken staan op het menu, dit dier is deels een trekvogel
Mandarijneenden rest often in trees, can see well in the dark, their food, which they find on the country, consists of nuts & seeds, insects & snails are on the menu, this animal is partly a migratory bird
Mandarin Ducks rest often in trees, can see in the dark, their food, they search the country, consists of nuts & seeds, also insects and snails on the menu, this animal is partially a migratory bird
mandarin ducks often rest in trees, can see in the dark, their food, they find the country, consists of nuts & seeds, insects and snails are on the menu, this animal is partly migratory