She had long been toyed with the idea to let the hangover a leading role in a story, but they did not yet exist on how. The battle in nature was obvious, the strong against the weak, the survival of the fittest. But naturally everyone got a chance. Even if you were prey; you only had to look at that yellow butterfly.
For the human disease was the great enemy. As long as you had nothing, it was all that difficult, but as soon as something went wrong what falter. The worst were the insidious, you felt fine until proved one day that you have long proved to be ill. It was not fair.
Fred was in a lot of things have been her example. He had caught her when she got divorced from Marcus. Well, he had her caught-tolerated in his house. Her parents were long dead and also started talking about Fred little. Nor he loved stories as they bore.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..