De afgelopen 50 jaar is het aantal leeuwen in het wild sterk gedaald. In '60 waren er nog 450k exemplaren, in 2010 nog maar 20k, als het aan dit tempo voortgaat, zijn er binnen 15 jaar geen wilde leeuwen meer
The past 50 years, the number of Lions in the wild. In 1960 there were still 450 k copies, only 20 k in 2010, if it were up to this rate continues, there are 15 years no wild lions more
Over the past 50 years the number of lions plummeted in the wild. In '60 there were 450k copies in 2010 only 20k, if it continues at this pace, there are no wild lions in 15 years
the last 50 years, the number of lions in the wild plummeted. in the 1960s there were 450k copies in 2010 but 20k, if this rate continues, there are no more wild lions within 15 years