Paprika´s behoren tot de groenten waar de meeste bestrijdingsmiddelen voor worden gebruikt, mensen die allergisch zijn voor paprika´s reageren eigenlijk op de chemische rommel die men op paprika´s tegen te spuiten, neem geen risico´s en eet alleen biologische paprika´s
Paprika ´ s belong to the vegetables where most pesticides are used, people who are allergic to peppers ´ s respond actually on the chemical junk that one on pepper spray against ´ s, do not take risk ´ s and eat only organic paprika ´ s
Peppers are among the vegetables that most pesticides are used, people who are allergic to peppers actually respond to the chemical mess that one up against spraying peppers, take no risks and eats only organic paprika' s
paprika´s belong to the fruit where most pesticides are used, people who are allergic to paprika´s react on the chemical stuff, which is paprika´s against spraying, don"t take risks and eat only organic paprika´s