HA, buddy, how is it with you? "asked the psychiatrist jovial. Small sweat droplets layers on his forehead and Jimmy had the feeling, that the doctor could burst any time from his tight jacket."It's going well, doctor," Eve replied, the one who is his mother mentioned.Jimmy tried Dr. Littleman in the new doctor to discover, but how he tried he only saw double chins, a big belly and short legs. Not that he now had huge nostalgia for Dr. Littleman, he had the paternal doctor be liked, but he found him some boring. He always used easy words, words not many points to Scrabble would. There hung a diploma on the wall. He read the name of the doctor, who in calligraphy. Would he draw that white coat only to be allowed if he was? For the time being, he found him but little of a doctor.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..