He got the strong-smelling shop inside. Everywhere were lofts with animals. In a steel cage were dozens of parakeets, the colors heavily patrolled Hill for your eyes. The birds schetterden loud. In some wooden crates layers small dogs, their fur soft and shiny. In a corner stood a great aquarium with tropical fish. The vreemdsoortigste copies waaierden along the glass, their pointless rounds gloomier Hill to some extent.The seller was an old man, small and angular, a trouser wearing with braces. His mouth was in a rigid grin, but the eyes laughed. He moved just the lid of the aquarium and brought a spoon with fish feed until just above the water surface; the fish shots all up and sought to outdo each other."What can I do for you?" said the shopkeeper."What a funny face.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..