Gabriella discovered woven SS-marks on the towels. She feels her come back nausea again. But a hot bath will do her good and she undresses as well.
"Wow," Sabine calls. "What a knoeperds" and she points to Gabiella's enormous breasts. "Those are mine while in it."
"Wait until you're almost there, then they get bigger."
"Well I hope so, because I think they are on the small side."
"You look fine , hear, "said Gabriella and she let herself into the warm water
down." Later we studied and then I hope that everything is in order. " Sabine is in the cockpit beside her and leave some shampoo in her bath run. "Can you actually still with someone if you're pregnant?"
"I think so, you notice it myself as it gets annoying."
"Hmm, I'll Franz anyway even call these days."
"Well, that's your own.
"" I know at least where he is.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..