She looked stunned for a while at her hands. The nails were nicely kept, this morning she still had them painted. There, she had the time for. Gabriel had always liked her hands, she was also proud-not too big and not too small, well-shaped cuticles.
Now was the whole world. She was literally with the child in her stomach. Only a single mother. Slowly it dawned upon her that Gabriel had robbed a bank.
"Why?" she asked the police officer.
They shrugged. On that question, he had a personal reply but thought it better to speak now not that out. This young woman had already had a lot to choose her-he glanced at the geraapte together some furniture and give the faded wallpaper over it, he did not ruthless judgment about the motives of her husband. He felt sorry for her. Her advanced state of pregnancy made things worse again. Some people still had all the luck in the world!
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..