2 jaar geleden kreeg ik hier diabetic type 1 er bij , dus jah ik dach kan er ook wel bij , maar een ding Karen heb ik wel geleer in die jaren gewoon blijevn lachen an andere mensen laten lach en dingen voor ze doen
2 years ago I got here diabetic type 1 there, so I can also, dach but one thing I did do Karen gelling in those years blijevn laugh an just let other people laugh and things for they do
Two years ago I was here in diabetic type 1 there, so yeah I dach can also be amongst them, but one thing I did Karen gelling just blijevn in those years an laughter let other people laugh and do things for them
2 years ago, i was here in type 1 diabetic, so yeah i didn know, but one thing i do geleer karen in those years blijevn just laugh and smile and let other people do things for them