Grateful for all the beautiful and fine memories that he was leaving us, we give knowledge of the boundaries of my brave husband, our porridge and our lady THE CLIENT ON HIS Grandad Ing. L. G. F. M. (Loek) Swinkels
Born in Lieshout, september 29, 1939. Late to Van Lieshout, January 2, 2015.
Husband of Christine Swinkels-Lutz
Beek en Donk Louis and Margit
Van Lieshout Christel and Erik
Nathalie, Karlijn
Montfoort Stefanie and Gert-Jan
Jelle, Julia
Schipborg Beatrix and Rob
Lucas, Linde, Eva THE CLIENT ON HIS Dorpsstraat 2
5737 GC Van Lieshout
The uitvaartdienst, with guild-eea, takes place at saturday, January 10, 2015 11.00 hours in the Saint Servatius church to the Mayor of the Heuvelstraat 1, Van Lieshout.
is then implemented to lay it on the parochiekerkhof.
Subsequently we will welcome you at the Bavaria Brewery Cafe on the Hill 5 in Lieshout.
Loek his body is at home. On thursday, January 8 there is between 18.00 and 20.00 hours opportunity to personally say farewell, also with guild-eea.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..