no, sir, that is not prohibited, but i see here in the paper a note of a bust of a girl henderson, 15 years old, on the beach. what has she done? " "mr. henderson, his head almost reports on the counter." i step forward. finally, i am an eyewitness. "" she has a pushchair to take part in a beauty contest.she wanted to know how it is to be a mother. "" the mouths of the adult are all open. "mr. henderson is shaking his legs." "what do you say? she wanted to know how it is to be a mother? " "mrs henderson takes something away and look at the floor. the officer of service is the first of his surprise. "" i have been through a lot at this station, but this... ""he shakes his head and says. he goes to another room and we hear him talk. there are others who raise their voices and it takes a long time before the door opens again and enters the agent with charlotte.
the agent keeps her arm, and i see that he is furtive looks at her breasts. "is this your daughter, mr. henderson?
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..