Most fairy tales are about the struggle between good and evil. And I think that is also the case here. If I have understood correctly is the only crime that has committed the girl, watching the birds that morning in her window sill. A rather innocent activity, seems to me.Her handicapped brother is jealous of her flawlessness and innocence. But it is not clear to me why. She gives no rise to his blind, she is a kind of snow white.I have a lot of adjectives and deleted unnecessary descriptions, because they add nothing to the story. Without the digressions would be much more exciting.What I miss most is a conflict, that matters. The father and the mother play no role at all. Why not? It seems, that the girl should have regard to the guilt of her brother facial disfigurement, but surely this is a bit crap?Why does the little brother just hate her? He is clearly a psychopatisch case, a dangerous crazy even, against which the girl should be able to occur. At least, I think so. Give her all of the sudden mysterious forces (which you do have to be stated) to the little brother in a magpie to do change. Something like that would give more satisfaction to the reader about the course. Evil is always punished, so slightly.
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