But often that first sentence was not enough. Then stared at them to the monitor screen and nothing came up. In such a case, felt they tend to just tackle a book off the shelf and see how another writer did it. There she was, however, careful with it. She wanted to be influenced, under any circumstances. If nothing came, then apparently the time was not ripe for it. In it they just had to be based; force did not help.From the front room she heard her name calling.Fred lag with a stuffy face skewed in bed; one leg dangling above the floor. He had stripped off his pyjama trousers."Help me out here, I no longer get that damn pants up."His eyes were insecure and embarrassed at the same time."That rotpil is in there, but you don't need to ask how I managed," he said.Deborah saw how lean his upper legs, the muscles had become but lying. It was quickly gone. Previously, he was a strong man, an outdoorsman who spent his entire life had been accustomed to hard work. A farmer's son from a long lineage of farmers.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..