Everything went well, until one afternoon, she was seven months far, opschrikte her a knock at the door from a NAP. Painfully ran them to it, her back support.A man with a police hat on looked at her intently."Emma Prescott?"Get some sleepy nodded they confirmed. An agent, which is strange, there would still not something with Gabriel happened? Who sat still at work?"Mrs Prescott, can I just come in?"She went for him through the narrow hallway of their apartment. The cat fled under the couch."Mrs Prescott, I have a nasty communication for you. This morning is your man, Gabriel Prescott, gunned down in the Bank of America, between 10th and Chestnut. At that time, there was a bank robbery going on and your husband, being one of the bank robbers, was shot in the chest by a security officer. He was immediately died. "something in Emma ran empty. She felt everything of value from itself. In her kicked the child, geaggiteerd as if it felt that something beyond are know to happened. Irreversible.
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