bij nazicht van de boekhouding stellen we vast dat,behoudens vergissing onzentwege, de rekening van het 1ste trimester nog niet is betaald. Vriendelijk verzoek deze rekening dringend te betalen. Wij hebben het geld nodig ter dekking van onze kosten.
in review of the accounting, we see that, barring error on our part, the account of the 1st trimester has not yet been paid. Kindly request to pay this account urgently. We need the money to cover our costs.
upon review of the records, we note that, except mistake on our part, account for the 1st trimester has not been paid. Kindly requested to pay this bill urgently. We need the money to cover our costs.
Verification of the accounts we see that,except error launching, the account of the 1st quarter has not yet been paid. Kindly request to pay this account urgently. We need the money to cover our costs.