Dit dan doordat de hazelaar steeds minder wordt gezien, en grote naaldbomen steeds minder vaak de volwassen leeftijd halen. Ook zijn er veel rode eekhoorns gestorven aan het parapox virus waar de grijze niet vatbaar voor is.
This then because the Hazel is less and less seen, and large conifers less and less often the adult age. There are also many Red squirrels died from the parapox virus where the grey is not susceptible to it.
This, then, because the hazel is increasingly seen, and large pine trees less frequently pick adulthood. There are also plenty of red squirrels died from the virus Parapox where the gray is not capable of.
this is because the hazel lessseen less often, and large conifersthe adult age. there are also manyred squirrels parapox died of the viruswhere the gray not susceptible.