a colleague of his, a dorpspraktijk in p, a rural municipality in the hills of oh. she could temporarily hide. gabriella checked or small gun hidden in her bra. "" what a lucky schmitt such a fantastic forger. they got it right. "" "yes, but you know what happened in the reichstag. the ss is not crazy.we should not celebrate. "" they looked at the voorbijglijdende landscape and were each in their own thought when they noticed that the train was moving slowly. at one point, he stood still in the middle of a wooded area. the other side of the tracks was flanked by a field which had some cows. jump started a forest. "at one time the train was almost silent. "" this can't be good, "karl said he looked worried and panic to sibelius, who had opened the door and stood in the corridor." "we're not in p. this is wrong," he said. they heard the clapping of doors and shouting voices, dogs barked. " they are on the track. ""karl and gabriella ran through the corridor to the next door. sibelius took his briefcase and put his hat on. karl morrelde to the trade of the door. he didn't come. "" jesus, it's locked! " in the end he kicked against the trade and suddenly jumped the door. "he jumped off the train and went to the track in the gravel.it was higher than he thought and he lost his balance. he had his ankle. on the other side of the train, he heard how the soldiers came closer, the barking of the dogs sounded out from under the car, as if through a tunnel reinforced. the screams of the soldiers was to understand. "" open the door, open the door! goddamn it! "
gabriella stood on the step and karl raised his arms to catch. she tried to climb down first independently, but the approaching soldiers chased her. she jumped and caught her half karl. fortunately, she was all right. "" run! " karl said. she hesitated. she hugged him and kissed him on the mouth. when she ran for her life.she tripped and fell flat on the gravel. scratch she got up and ran in the direction of the field. again they heard the dogs hit. she left her urine of fear, but she pulled it on and on until she ran to the edge of the forest. (karl and sibelius had walked along the train, in the direction of the locomotive.
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