That we do not yet know, Madam, and maybe it will always remain a mystery, because those with whom he performed the job are also all dead. "They stood in the mortuary of the police station for the extended tray in which her Gabriel. At first they hardly recognized him. He was of course not so old, but now he seemed to be very young. His facial features were odd smooth coated and his mouth was frozen in a permanent smile. He had the clothes still on, this morning he had attracted, a shirt and a pair of jeans, nothing special. Only the shirt was torn.The coroner explained the cloth about Gabriel's body."Is this your husband, Gabriel Prescott?" asked one of the inspectors to her. They saw how the tray back into the wall. He was just one of the dozens. She nodded."Yes, he is."There were still a lot of paperwork be above in the police room, where she was offered a cup of lukewarm coffee.
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