He lay on his back in bed to the wallpaper. Yellow stars on a dark long distance. As the Moon seemed to wink as if they were the Stars twinkled inwards. Although he already had done many times before, he counted the stars again. He was now at the left wall with the door. That made it all a bit more complicated, because normally he just took the diagonal and multiplied it with the other, shook his head and lay there all ready to wait for the result. Under the count he listened to the sounds of the House. That led him not at all, on the contrary, it seemed as if he could concentrate better than themselves. Eve and Harold layers in the room next to him, he knew it for sure. They were just gone to bed, he had heard the shower running and how Harold his teeth polished and then loud gurgled. That he found particularly funny, that gargle. Eve barely made noise when brushing teeth, she was much more civilized. He was happy to visit Eve, she was kind to him.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..