Toen ze wakker werd keek ze in Sbaine's lachende gezicht.

Toen ze wakker werd keek ze in Sbai

Toen ze wakker werd keek ze in Sbaine's lachende gezicht.
"Goh, je had het wel nodig!" zei ze bezorgd. "Je hebt meer dan twaalf uur geslapen."
Het zonlicht viel door de ramen. Ze kreeg een trap van binnen.
"Jesus, begint het weer?" zegt ze geirriteerd.
"Straks gaan ze ons onderzoeken. Ik heb al mijn papieren moeten afgeven. Ook mijn paspoort." zei Sabine. Ze heeft een nachtpon aan. "Maar de verzorging is fantastisch."
Er staan zes bedden in hun kamer.
"De andere meisjes zijn aan het gymnastiekprogramma bezig. Wij hoeven nog niet en jij al helemaal niet in jouw conditie."
Gabriella's buik stulpt de dekens omhoog.
Gymanastiek, ze moet er niet aan denken. Elke ochtend bij het opstaan bemerkt ze dat de last zwaarder wordt en nu heeft ze helemaal geen zin om aan de dag te beginnen. Het lieft blijft ze liggen. Misschien is het de verandering van omgeving.
"Moet je kijken, er is een fantastische badkamer!"
Sabine strekt de lakens van haar af en neemt haar bij de hand. In de grote badkamer, die tot aan het plafond betegeld is staan drie badkuipen en aan de wanden bevinden zich verscheidene douches. Overal ligt zeep in de bakjes en in een plankenkast liggen nieuwe handdoeken.
"Heerlijk toch?" roept Sabine en ze glijdt uit haar nachtpon. Ze heeft kleine borsten, maar een breed bekken; de bollende buik is nu goed zichtbaar.
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Resultaten (Engels) 1: [Kopiëren]
When she woke up she looked in Sbaine's smiling face."Gee, you had it!" she said. "You have slept more than twelve hours."The sunlight fell through the Windows. They got a kick from inside."Jesus, it starts again?" she says irritated."Will they go us investigations. I have all my papers is needed. Also my passport. "said Sabine. She has a Nightgown. "But the care is fantastic."There are six beds in their room."The other girls are at the gymnastics program is busy. We do not have and you especially not in your condition. "Gabriella's belly bulges right outside the blankets up.Gymanastiek, they don't even want to think. Each morning upon rising they notice that the burden is heavier and now she has no sense to starting the day. They should eat the remains. Maybe it's the change of scenery."You have to look, there is a fantastic bathroom!"Sabine the sheets off her and takes her by the hand. In the large bathroom, which is tiled up to the ceiling are three bathtubs and on the walls are several showers. Everywhere is SOAP in the containers and shelves in a closet are new towels."Right?" calls Sabine and she slips out of her Nightgown. She has small breasts, but a wide basin; the domed tummy is now visible.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 2:[Kopiëren]
When she woke up she looked at Sbaine's smiling face.
"Wow, you did it need it!" she said anxiously. "You slept more than twelve hours."
The sunlight shining through the windows. She got a kick from inside.
"Jesus, it starts again?" she says, annoyed.
"Soon they investigate us. I have to give all my papers. Also my passport." said Sabine. She has a nightgown on. "But the care is excellent."
There are six beds in their room.
"The other girls in the gymnastics program are doing. We do not and you're certainly not in your condition."
Gabriella's belly bulges the blankets up.
Gymanastiek, they must not think about it. Every morning when getting up she noticed that the load is heavier, and now she has no desire to start the day. The lieft she remains. Maybe the change of scenery.
"Look, there's a fantastic bathroom!"
Sabine stretches the sheets off her and takes her by the hand. In the large bathroom, which is tiled to the ceiling are three tubs and the walls are several showers. Located anywhere in the soap trays and shelves in a closet are new towels.
"Delicious, right?" Sabine calls and she slips out of her nightgown. She has small breasts but a wide pelvis; the bulging belly is now clearly visible.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 3:[Kopiëren]
when she woke up, she looked in sbaine's smiling face. "" gee, you needed it! " said she worried. " you have more than 12 hours of sleep. "" the sunlight fell through the windows. she got a kick in. "" jesus, it begins again? " she says "
" in our studies. i have to give up all my papers. my passport. "said sabine. she has a nightgown."but the care is fantastic." "there are six beds in the room." "the other girls to the gymnastiekprogramma. we have not yet, and you already not in your condition. "" gabriella's belly stulpt up the covers. the gymanastiek, they should not think.every morning in bed she noticed that the burden is heavier, and now she has no way to start the day. the sweet she is. maybe it's the change of environment. the "look, there's a great bathroom!" the sabine extends the sheets off her and take her by the hand. in the bathroom,that is up to the ceiling tiled three bathtubs and walls are several showers. everywhere in the containers and soap in a plankenkast are new towels. "" all right? " sabine calls and she slips her nightgown. she has small breasts, but a wide basin; the bollende belly is visible.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
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