I hate you lord, forgot I exist, resent your ways that will not be forgived,Waller in hatred I blame you for all, slashing and stabbing your Christians I maul,Mad at god revenge in my heart wanting you dead will never depart,When I was born, marked with your cross, only to suffer and deal with my loss,Dead in my thoughts prey to myself, not to show mercy for nobody else,I am for me, need not from god, my heart is stone and will never be loved.Mad at god and mad at you, believing in something that cannot be true,Think for yourself, free from his lies, trample the cross and smash Jesus Christ.
Odi te dominus, obliti sunt, ego existo, doleat corda vestra super vias thatwill non forgived, Waller in odium suscenseo tibi fuero in omnibus, sectione et insecuti auersos Christiani vestri ego dilacerandam, Mad Dei vindictae in corde meo defuit vobis mortui non discedet laus tua, cum dilexisti malitiam super benignitatem, cruce signatus, nisi faciente sponso dormitaverunt tractabo damnum mihi praeda defunctorum quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, non alii facere misericordiam ego mihi a Deo necesse est cor meum et voluntatem lapis non adversus Deum furere loved.Mad te credere quod aliquid potest esse vera, cogita tibi ab inguinis atque obterere conculcare crucem Jesu Christi.
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