dans als body in de verf, ja, maar gebruikt het dan ook nog verder en gaat extremer, al was het dat je modder er bij neemt of afgedraaide zwarte olie uit auto's... ga dan extreem ! maar vergeet ook jullie zachtheid niet.
dance as body in the paint, Yes, but used it even further and go more extreme, if that takes you there with mud or afgedraaide black oil from cars ... go extreme! but forget not also your softness.
dance and body in the paint, yes, but also used it even further and is more extreme, if you are in mud taking off or turned black oil from cars ... then go extreme! but do not forget you do not softness.
dance like body in the paint, yes, but it's also more and more extreme, if you take it with mud or twisted black oil from cars. then the extreme! but don't forget your gentleness.