Karl limped behind Sibelius to, his face left of pain. They tried as much as possible to stay out of sight of the Windows, but several soldiers had already noticed them and had the Windows open. It seemed, that they viewed the refugees with a certain amazement, as if they are not directly the relationship between stopping the train in the middle of the landscape and the voortrennende people understood.Sibelius tried to cross to the pasture, when he saw that several pursuers were doorgekropen under the train. The dogs ran quickly on both of them, the sharp teeth visible, the lips pulled back in a fierce grimace.Karl looked back. The stabbing pain in his foot was unbearable. He dragged on. The Meadow seemed a wavy sea, the cows were dancing up and down and seemed no longer to want to come to a halt. He gasped. Gabriella, he thought. Gabriella.Again, he looked. He saw how Sibelius was grasped and the hands had to lay in the neck. Shouting at him what he wanted, but he felt really nothing more. The trees behind the cows seemed to remove still further in a diabolical perspective. He stumped across the clods and kicked in a cow pie. It amazed him not even.There sounded two shots, right after each other. When he fell headfirst into the mud.In the hospital explained Fraulein Müller entered the post on the desk. As they considered they returning it. The recipient was here unknown, but everyone knew what had happened with Doctor Sibelius. When she walked into the Office of the Gestapo, some days ago, she knew that she acted correctly. They did it for the good thing, only for the Fatherland. She had not felt as treason; they did it out of patriotism.
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