Limping and on Karl supportive they fell down some stairs to an underground departure."This is part of a bunker from the first world war," explained Sibelius.It was Spartan, but there were some sofas and cabinets and there was a kitchen block. In the corner was only beds. They laid Gabriella on a couch."I will examine," said Sibelius and he brought the kettle on the stove to boiling. "Go home with you here on your side.""Would you like to take my bag off the wagon?" he asked Karl. "This is related."Karl ran to the garage. The non-there to gas. He was looking for a light switch, because it was pitch black. Apart from Sibelius's car was there what tool and an old stove. He opened the car door and grabbed the black Briefcase. In the back seat was still the box with the dove from the Reichstag. He picked it up and opened it. The Dove lay silently, but moved here the Cup as if he was happy, that to him was thought."We will make you a better housing delivery," muttered Karl. The beady eyes moved back and forth. "And what to eat."When he came back down Sibelius had the ball in a bowl."That was not difficult. Fortunately, the bullet hit her only superficially. But yes, it always seems worse by all that blood loss. "He pulled out a role related from his bag and while he tapped her for Karl to the face and he connected the wound disinfected."You will still suffer from a while, but it had much worse.""Thank you doctor," said Gabriella and she slowly took a seat on the couch.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..