Geachte …………., Hartelijk dank voor uw aanvraag. Dit is uw bewijs van v Vertaling - Geachte …………., Hartelijk dank voor uw aanvraag. Dit is uw bewijs van v Engels hoe om te zeggen

Geachte …………., Hartelijk dank voor

Geachte ………….,

Hartelijk dank voor uw aanvraag. Dit is uw bewijs van voorlopige dekking. Dit document is een rechtsgeldig certificaat en is uw verzekeringsbewijs totdat u de polis(sen) of polisaanhangsel(s) heeft ontvangen.
Bijgaand ontvangt u de algemene en bijzondere polisvoorwaarden, en een bijlage met belangrijke informatie voor het afsluiten van uw verzekering(en). Voor u goed om te weten: u bent premie verschuldigd vanaf de ingangsdatum van de dekking, ook als de verzekering uiteindelijk niet tot stand komt.
Wij sluiten uw verzekering(en) graag definitief voor u af. Daarom ontvangen wij graag binnen twee werkdagen uw verklaring dat u van deze informatie kennis heeft genomen. U kunt uw akkoord kenbaar maken door het beantwoorden van deze mail. Hebben wij binnen twee werkdagen geen reactie van u ontvangen, dan komt de voorlopige dekking te vervallen en komt de verzekeringsovereenkomst niet tot stand.
Met uw akkoord per mail verklaart u onder andere:
- dat VvAA digitaal met u mag communiceren;
- dat de polissen digitaal mogen worden afgesloten;
- dat u kennis heeft genomen van de polisvoorwaarden;
- dat u instemt met automatische incasso van de periodieke premie;
- dat u de vragen over uw schadeverleden correct heeft beantwoord.

Uw rekeningnummer voor het automatisch incasseren van de periodieke premies is


Naam :
Lid-/relatienummer :
Gewenste betalingstermijn : maand/kwartaal/ halfjaar/jaar

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking MOTORRIJTUIGVERZEKERING
Ingangsdatum :
Merk & type :
Kenteken :
Verzekerde condities : WA/WA Beperkt casco/WA volledig casco
Uitgebreide pechhulp : Ja/Nee
Ongevallen inzittendenverzekering : Pakket A/Pakket B
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Ingangsdatum :
Verzekerde hoedanigheid : Eenpersoonshuishouden/
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking OPSTAL EN/OF INBOEDELVERZEKERING
Risico-adres :
Bouwaard :
Dekking : All-risk
Bestemming :
Inbraakbeveiliging : Ja/Nee
Ingangsdatum :

VvAA opstalverzekering
Verzekerd bedrag :
Omschrijving dekking : Dekking
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting :

VvAA inboedelverzekering
Verzekerd bedrag : €
Meer dan € 12.000 aan audio en computerapparatuur : €
Meer dan € 5.000 aan lijfsieraden : €
Wilt u dit bedrag meeverzekeren : Ja/Nee
Meer dan € 15.000 aan bijzondere bezittingen : €
Omschrijving dekking : Standaard/All-risk
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking RECHTSBIJSTANDSVERZEKERING
Samenstelling huishouden : Eenpersoonshuishouden/
Module Verkeer en Letsel : Ja/Nee
Module Consument en Wonen : Ja/Nee
Module Inkomen en Arbeid : Ja/Nee
Vrije Advocaat keuze : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking (DOORLOPENDE) REISVERZEKERING
Verzekerden : Eenpersoonshuishouden/
Dekkingsgebied : Europa/Wereld
Pakketkeuze : Basis € 2.000/Comfort € 4.000/Top € 6.000
Persoonlijke hulpverlening : Standaard verzekerd
Medische kosten : Standaard verzekerd
Wintersport en bijzondere sporten : Ja/Nee
Reisongevallen : Ja/Nee
Hulpverlening auto buitenland : Ja/Nee
Annulering : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking ONGEVALLENVERZEKERING
Verzekerden : Verzekeringnemer, partner en kinderen
Verzekerd bedrag bij blijvende invaliditeit : € 50.000/€ 100.000/€ 200.000
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Bewijs van voorlopige dekking STUDENTENPAKKET
Ingangsdatum :
Verzekerde : Uzelf/Uw studerend kind
Alleenstaand of samenwonend : Alleenstaand/samenwonend
Dekking : Aansprakelijkheid, inboedel en ongevallen
Risicoadres :
Verhoging electronica inboedel tot € 5000,- : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Risico-adres :
Bouwaard :
Bestemming :
Inbraakbeveiliging : Ja/Nee
Ingangsdatum :

VvAA Inventaris
Verzekerd bedrag : €
Glas meeverzekeren : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

VvAA Bedrijfsschade
Verzekerd bedrag : €
Uitkeringstermijn : 26 weken/52 weken
Index met 3% : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Beroep :
Werksituatie : Meer/Minder dan 50% zelfstandig
Aantal werknemers die (para)medisch handelen : Ja, hoeveel en welk beroep/Nee
Goedwerkgeversschap : Ja/Nee
Inlooprisico : Ja/Nee
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Beroep :
Werksituatie : Meer/Minder dan 50% zelfstandig
Arbeidsgeschillen met werknemers : Ja, hoeveel en welk beroep/Nee
Onderlinge geschillen : Ja, hoeveel en welk beroep/Nee
Aantal extra praktijkpanden : Ja/Nee
Vrije Advocaat keuze
Premie inclusief assurantiebelasting : €

Van: -
Naar: -
Resultaten (Engels) 1: [Kopiëren]
Dear............., Thank you very much for your request. This is your proof of provisional cover. This document is a legal and valid certificate is your proof of insurance until you the policy (s) or polisaanhangsel (s) received.You will receive the General and special policy conditions attached, and an appendix containing important information for shutting down your insurance (and). For you good to know: you are premium payable from the effective date of coverage, even if the insurance end up not.We are your insurance (and) like to finally for you. That is why we are happy to receive within two business days your statement that you took note of this information. You can express your agreement by replying to this e-mail. We did not receive a response within two business days, then comes the provisional coverage the insurance contract expire and will not be made.With your agreement by mail, you among other things: -that you may communicate with VvAA digital;-that the policies digital may be closed; -that you has taken notice of the policy conditions;-you accept direct debit by the periodic premium;-that you have correctly answered the questions about your past damage.Your account number for automatic collection of the regular premiums is ……………………….GENERAL Name: Member/relatienummer: Preferred payment term: monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/yearProof of provisional MOTOR INSURANCE coverage Effective date: Brand & type: License plate: Insured conditions: WA/WA Limited casco/WA full cascoComprehensive roadside assistance: Yes/NoAccidents occupants insurance: Package A/Package BPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of LIABILITY INSURANCE provisional coverage INDIVIDUALSEffective date: Insured status: Single household/meerpersoonshuishoudenPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage OPSTAL and/or CONTENTS INSURANCE Risk address: Construction type: Coverage: All riskDestination: Burglary Protection: Yes/NoEffective date: Vvaa home insuranceInsured amount: Description cover: CoverPremium including insurance tax: Vvaa contents insuranceInsured amount: € More than 12,000 € to audio and computer equipment: € More than 5,000 € to personal adornment: € Would you this amount co-insurance: Yes/NoMore than € 15,000 to special possessions: € Description: standard/All-risk coveragePremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional LEGAL PROTECTION INSURANCE coverage Household composition: Single household/meerpersoonshuishoudenTraffic and Injury module: Yes/NoConsumer and living module: Yes/NoModule Income and labor: Yes/NoFree Lawyer choice: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover (ONGOING) TRAVEL INSURANCEInsured Persons: Single Household/meerpersoonshuishoudenCoverage Area: Europe/WorldPackage choice: basic € 2,000/€ 6,000 € 4,000/Top ComfortPersonal assistance: standard insuredMedical costs: standard insuredWinter sports and special sports: Yes/NoTravel Accident: Yes/NoAid car outside country: Yes/NoCancellation: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover ACCIDENT INSURANCEInsured persons: policyholder, partner and childrenInsured amount at € 50,000/100,000/permanent disability: € 200,000 €Premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover STUDENT PACKAGEEffective date: Studying Yourself/your child insured:Single or living together: single/living togetherCoverage: liability, contents insurance and accidentsRisk address: Increase electronics contents to 5000.0 €-: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover INVENTORY and/or COMPANY LOSS INSURANCERisk address: Construction type: Destination: Burglary Protection: Yes/NoEffective date: Vvaa InventoryInsured amount: € Glass co-insurance: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Vvaa Trading LossInsured amount: € Benefit period: 26 weeks/52 weeksIndex by 3%: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCEJob: Work situation: more/less than 50% independentNumber of employees (para) medical Act: so, how much and what job/noGoedwerkgeversschap: Yes/NoWalk-in Risk: Yes/NoPremium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional cover VOCATIONAL RECHTSBIJSTANDSVERZEKERING Job: Work situation: more/less than 50% independentLabor disputes with employees: so, how much and what job/noMutual disputes: so, how much and what job/noNumber of extra practice body: Yes/NoFree Lawyer choice Premium including insurance tax: €
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 2:[Kopiëren]

Dear ............., Thank you for your inquiry. This is your proof of provisional coverage. This document is a valid license and your insurance until the policy (ies) or policy endorsement (s) received. Please find enclosed the general and special policy conditions, and an appendix containing important information for the conclusion of your insurance (s). Good for you to know: You are premium payable from the effective date of coverage, even if the insurance ultimately fails. We conclude your insurance (s) happy finally to you. Therefore, please send your explanation within two working days that you have taken note of this information. You can express your agreement by replying to this email. We have not received a response from you, then the provisional coverage lapse and will the insurance contract is not reached within two business days. With your agreement by mail can include states: - which VvAA digital can communicate with you - that the policies digital may be closed; - that you have taken of the policy knowledge - you accept debit from the regular premium, -. you questions about your injury past has answered correctly your account number is for automatically collecting regular premiums ... ......................... GENERAL Name: Member / customer number: Preferred payment period: month / quarter / half year / year certificate of provisional coverage MOTOR INSURANCE Effective Date: Brand & type: Badge: Insured conditions: WA / WA Limited airframe / WA full hull Detailed breakdown cover: Yes / No Accident passenger insurance: Package A / Package B premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage LIABILITY INDIVIDUALS Effective Date: Insured status: Single person household / multi-person household Premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage BUILDING AND / OR contents insurance risk address: Building Type: coverage: All risk Destination: Burglary: Yes / No Start date: VvAA home insurance sum insured: Description coverage: coverage Premium including insurance tax: VvAA contents insurance Insured amount: € over € 12,000 in audio and computer equipment: € over € 5,000 of personal jewelry: € Would you like to insure this amount: Yes / No more than € 15,000 of special value: € Description coverage: Standard / All risk Premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage LEGAL EXPENSES household Composition: Single person household / multi-person household Module Traffic and Injury: Yes / No Module Consumer and Housing: Yes / No Module Income and Labour: Yes / No Free Lawyer choice: Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage (ONGOING) TRAVEL INSURANCE Insured: Single person household / multi-person household coverage: Europe / World Package Choice: Basic € 2,000 / Comfort € 4,000 / Top € 6000 Personal assistance: Standard insurance Medical costs: Standard assured Ski and specialty sports: Yes / No Travel Accidents: Yes / No assistance car abroad: Yes / No Cancellation: Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage ACCIDENT Insured: The policyholder, spouse and children insured amount for permanent disability: € 50,000 / € 100,000 / € 200,000 premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage STUDENTS PACKAGE Effective Date: Insured: yourself / Your studying child Single or cohabiting: Single / cohabiting coverage: Liability, contents and accidents Risk address: Increasing electronic contents to € 5000, - Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € Proof of provisional coverage INVENTORY aND / oR LOSS Risk address: Building Type: Destination: burglary: Yes / No Start date: VvAA Inventory Insured amount: € Glass insure Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € VvAA Business Interruption sum insured: € Payment Term: 26 weeks / 52 weeks Index by 3%: Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € proof of temporary cover pROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Occupation: Work situation: More / Less than 50% self-employed Number of employees (para) medical activity: Yes, how many and which profession / No Good Employers shelf Yes / No Entry Hazard: Yes / No premium including insurance tax: € proof provisional cover aPPEAL LEGAL EXPENSES Occupation: Work situation: More / Less than 50% independent Labour disputes with employees: Yes, how many and which profession / No Mutual disputes: Yes, how many and which profession / No. of extra practice premises: Yes / No Free Lawyer option premium including insurance tax : €

Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 3:[Kopiëren]
ladies.....,thank you for your application. this is your certificate of provisional coverage. this document is a valid licence and your insurance policy until you (s) or polisaanhangsel (s) has been received.attached you will receive the general and specific policies, and an annex with important information for the end of your insurance. good for you to know: you are paid from the date of the cover, even if the insurance is not established.we agree to your insurance (and final) for you. therefore, we would like your statement that you within two working days of the information knowledge. you can express your agreement by replying to this email. we have a response from you within two working days, the provisional coverage lapses and the contract is not established.with your agreement under other e-mail explains:that you can communicate with vvaa digital;that the policies can be digitally signed;that you are aware of the policy conditions;that you agree with direct debit of the periodic premium;that you ask about your schadeverleden correctly answered.your account number for the automatic collection of periodic premiums.......................................generalname:(- / relatienummer:desired payment: month / quarter / semester / yearpreliminary evidence of motor vehicle insurance covereffective date:brand & type:plate:insured conditions: wa wa wa / airframe / full airframe limitedextensive roadside assistance: yes / noaccidents inzittendenverzekering package / package b: apremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of insurance cover individualseffective date:insured status: single person household /meerpersoonshuishoudenpremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of cover over and / or homeowners willaddress: riskbouwaard:cover: all riskdestination:intruder: yes / noeffective date:vvaa homeowner ` s insuranceamount insured.description: cover coverassurantiebelasting premium including:vvaa homeowners willinsured amount)more than $12000 to audio and computer equipment)more than $5000 in lijfsieraden)do you want this amount meeverzekeren: yes / nomore than $15000 to special effects)description: standard / cover all riskpremium including assurantiebelasting)certificate of provisional cover expenses insurancecomposition: single person household / householdmeerpersoonshuishoudenmodule movement and injury: yes / nomodule consumer and live: yes / nomodule income and employment: yes / nolawyer: yes / no free choicepremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of insurance cover (continuous)insured: single person household /meerpersoonshuishoudenservice area: europe / worldthe pakketkeuze: $2000 / comfort $4000 / top $6000personal assistance: standard insurancemedical insurance: standard costwinter sports and individual sports: yes / noreisongevallen: yes / nocar: yes / no foreign aidcancellation: yes / nopremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of insurance coverinsured, policyholder, partner and childreninsured amount to permanent disability: $50000 / 100000 euros / $200000premium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of cover studentenpakketeffective date:insured: yourself / your studying childsingle or living: single / marriagecover: liability, furniture and accidentsrisicoadres:increase electronics furniture to $5000,: yes / nopremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of cover and / or bedrijfsschadeverzekering inventoryaddress: riskbouwaard:destination:intruder: yes / noeffective date:vvaa inventoryinsured amount)glass meeverzekeren: yes / nopremium including assurantiebelasting)objective vvaainsured amount)time limit: 26 weeks and 52 weeksindex of 3%: yes / nopremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of insurance coverappeal:situation: more / less than 50% independentlynumber of employees (para) medical act: yes, how many and what profession / nogoedwerkgeversschap: yes / noinlooprisico: yes / nopremium including assurantiebelasting)preliminary evidence of cover beroepsrechtsbijstandsverzekeringappeal:situation: more / less than 50% independentlydisputes with workers: yes, how many and what profession / nodifferences: yes, how many and what profession / noadditional praktijkpanden: yes / nofree lawyer choiceassurantiebelasting premium including:
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Andere talen
De vertaling gereedschap steun: Afrikaans, Albanees, Amharisch, Arabisch, Armeens, Azerbeidzjaans, Baskisch, Bengaals, Birmaans, Bosnisch, Bulgaars, Catalaans, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinees, Corsicaans, Deens, Duits, Engels, Esperanto, Ests, Fins, Frans, Fries, Galicisch, Georgisch, Grieks, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaïaans, Haïtiaans Creools, Hebreeuws, Hindi, Hmong, Hongaars, IJslands, Iers, Igbo, Indonesisch, Italiaans, Japans, Javaans, Jiddisch, Kannada, Kazachs, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirgizisch, Klingon, Koerdisch, Koreaans, Kroatisch, Lao, Latijn, Lets, Litouws, Luxemburgs, Macedonisch, Malagasi, Malayalam, Maleis, Maltees, Maori, Marathi, Mongools, Nederlands, Nepalees, Noors, Odia (Oriya), Oeigoers, Oekraïens, Oezbeeks, Pashto, Perzisch, Pools, Portugees, Punjabi, Roemeens, Russisch, Samoaans, Schots Keltisch, Servisch, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovaaks, Sloveens, Soendanees, Somalisch, Spaans, Swahili, Taal herkennen, Tadzjieks, Tagalog, Tamil, Tataars, Telugu, Thai, Traditioneel Chinees, Tsjechisch, Turkmeens, Turks, Urdu, Vietnamees, Wels, Wit-Russisch, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zoeloe, Zweeds, taal vertalen.

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